Electronic Tapu... What are its features and how to obtain it?

The real estate sector in Turkey is one of the most important sectors in addition to the tourism sector and the economy, which attracts the attention of many businessmen and those interested in investing in Turkey.

For this reason, the Turkish government is working to support the real estate sector in Turkey, through the facilities and advantages it provides to those wishing to pump and invest their money in this field, and among those provided facilities supporting this sector is the "electronic landlord" project.

In this article, OmranTRK company, headquartered in the city of Yalova, northwest of Turkey, will provide a detailed explanation for its customers about the "electronic title deed"; the "Electronic Tapu ", its conditions and most important features.

Electronic Tapu

It is an electronic system launched by the Turkish government (General Directorate of Land Registry and Land Survey of the Ministry of Environment) and under the directives of the  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in conjunction with the Coronavirus pandemic in the middle of the year 2020, with the aim of facilitating the conduct of real estate transactions and real estate registration with the competent authority.

 This system is called "WEB TAPU" according to the Directorate of Land Registry and title deed Tapu Registry. Through this system, the property owner can:

  • Manage his real estate from home remotely, without the need to visit the office of the land registry and land registry.
  • The customer or the property owner can remotely apply and submit documents for all real estate transactions such as sales, mortgages, inheritance procedures and others..
  • It allows the property owner to allow or prohibit the execution of real estate transactions from a distance, and this provides the protection against fraud.
  • Allows owners of title deeds to access all information related to their properties.
  • The official title document, mortgage document, and the official title deed form can be obtained from the system without going to the Land Registry Directorate.
  • Property owners can grant access to other people (buyer, realtor, etc.) to information and details about their properties.

This electronic system, which aims to facilitate the registration of the property of investors, businessmen and even those who wish to own property in Turkey, has achieved in the real estate registry with ease and ease, achieving great success in facilitating the completion of a large part of the "electronic title deed" transactions in Turkey from a distance.

The property owner can access the WEB TAPU by entering the e-government portal (E-DEVLET), and this system is available in different languages. This system allows real estate owners to send documents and submit an application electronically, receive SMS notifications in case of missing documents, track application stages, and also pay fees.

The importance of buying a property online

 One of the most prominent features of the process of buying a real estate remotely, is that this process allows the customer to obtain special offers and discounts, and saves the customer costs of travel and other expenses of owning a real estate in Turkey, in addition to many other advantages that are facilitated by owning a property In Turkey "Online".

 Documents required to complete the "Tapu" transaction

  • Title deed (Tapu), which includes detailed information about the type of property, the name of the property owner, his photo, and previously archived information about the property, provided that the data of this document is included in the records of the Tapu Director in Turkey in the Turkish language.
  •  The identity card of the seller and the buyer or the passport of each of them.
  • A certified Power of Attorney in the absence of one of the parties (seller or buyer).
  • Personal photos of the seller and buyer.
  • Insurance against earthquakes and natural disasters DASK.
  • The document of the property fair value (rayiç bedel); issued by the municipality to which the property belongs.
  • Bank documents: If a bank loan is used to finance the purchase of real estate.

 Electronic Tapu Mechanism

One of the most important stages of completing the “electronic title deed” transaction and owning a property in Turkey remotely is choosing and inspecting the appropriate property.

Where a person wishing to buy a property in Turkey can communicate with the competent company, which in turn gives its offers about the projects and housing units that it has throughout Turkey or in a specific region, in addition to providing prices that are commensurate with the purchasing power of the person wishing to own property.

The specialized real estate company presents the apartment via "video" and takes the person wishing to own in a tour to get acquainted with its specifications and inspect it from the inside and outside.

After the agreement between the company and the client, a special Power of Attorney is required to purchase the property either in the name of the company or for another trusted person in order to register the agreed property in the name of the client, in addition to these steps the stage of sending money to one of the above-mentioned parties that undertakes the process of transferring ownership and registering the property in the name of the client or (The owner of the relationship).

The team of the competent company follows up on the rest of the steps related to registering the property and transferring ownership to the owner of the property, and then sending a copy of the title deed to him and to the place where the owner is.

OmranTRK company, which has become a source of trust for many inside Turkey in general and in the city of Yalova in particular, in addition to being a source of confidence for its customers outside Turkey, can follow up all these procedures with its customers through the "online" from The first step, which is the stage of inspecting the property, up to the last stages related to the establishment of ownership in the name of the client.

 Types of Tapu in Turkey

  • Blue tapu: This tapu is for land titles and shared ownership. It means that the owner has the right to use the land, but not to build anything on it. If the tapu is for a development of several dwellings, it shows the share of each owner in the whole property, but not the specific unit. Owners of properties with blue tapu cannot take out a mortgage.
  • Red tapu: This tapu is for individual ownership, with the unit specified on the title deed. It means that the owner has the full right to use, sell, or rent the property. This type of tapu can have a mortgage on it. The red tapu can be either ‘kat irtifaki’ or ‘kat mulkiyeti’:
    • Kat irtifaki: This tapu is for a property that is still under construction. It shows the allocation of units within a development, according to the building permit. The owner can transfer the tapu to another person, but cannot connect the utilities until the construction is completed.
    • Kat mulkiyeti: This tapu is for a property that is completed and has an occupation license (Iskan) issued by the local municipality. It means that the property meets the standards and regulations for habitation. The owner can connect the utilities and enjoy the full benefits of the property.

OmranTRK confirms that buying real estate through "online" can be a good option for many people, such as parents who want to buy real estate for their children abroad or real estate investors and others.

OmranTRK shows its clients that the process of buying a property online is similar to buying a property in real life. But through this method, the customer must choose a reliable real estate agent to make it easier for him to find the right property, complete all matters of transferring ownership, receive the title deed, hand it over to the customer, and then help them in obtaining Turkish citizenship.

Those wishing to invest their money in the real estate sector in Turkey emphasize the issue of "Tapu" and the need for the "Tapu" to be free of any real estate problems in Turkey.

It is worth noting that the Turkish government's provision of the possibility to buy real estate in Turkey remotely, has contributed to a significant increase in the demand for people of different nationalities to own property in Turkey.

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