Who are the nationalities entitled to own property in Turkey, and what are their conditions?
With the recovery of the real estate sector in Turkey, which has become an important destination for investors and business people, companies in this field have begun to present many real estate offers.
With this recovery and the facilities provided by the Turkish government and the real estate offers offered by real estate companies, the most important question that occupies those wishing to own a property in Turkey is whether it is possible to own a property in Turkey, whether by direct payment of the full price of the property or even by installments?
Buying a property in installments in Turkey means providing a down payment for the property and paying the rest of the payments within a certain period. The agreement concluded between the owner and the buyer occurred.
The important thing is that Turkey offers a citizen of a different nationality, the "foreigner," the opportunity to buy real estate in installments while guaranteeing all the rights and benefits a Turkish citizen enjoys.
While some foreign investors seek to buy a property in Turkey, whether to obtain Turkish citizenship, reside in Turkey, or invest, some may need more money to pay the full price of the property in Turkey. Therefore they offer to buy a property in Turkey in installments.
Among the most prominent countries whose citizens have the right to own property in Turkey without restrictions:
The Arab Gulf countries are United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, and Yemen. In addition to the following African countries: Sudan, South Africa, Uganda, Djibouti, and Chad.
Also among the countries are the following European countries: Belgium, Germany, Britain, Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, France, Norway, and the following Asian countries: Japan, South Korea, and Malaysia, in addition to the following South American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, America, Canada, New Zealand.
There are countries whose citizens are entitled to own real estate in Turkey under special conditions, the most prominent of which are:
Iranian citizens
They must not be among the persons banned by the United Nations, and they must obtain approval from the Ministry of Interior, and they are entitled to own construction land, housing, and a place of work only.
Russian citizens
Provided the property is not within the Black Sea coast.
Ukraine citizens
Provided the property is not within the Black Sea coast, approval from the Ministry of Interior. And they are entitled to own construction land, housing, and a place of work only.
Greek citizens
They have the right to own a building land, a residence, or a place of work, provided that it is not within the border and coastal cities.
Jordanian citizens
are entitled to own two homes and one place of work.
Iraq and Tunisia
They must obtain approval from the Ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs, and they can only own construction land, housing, and a place of work.
Some nationalities are prohibited from owning property in Turkey, the most important of which are
Syrian nationality
The reason for preventing Syrian nationality from owning real estate in Turkey is due to the referendum that took place in 1939 in the state of Hatay, and the Turkish government annexed Iskenderun, and at that time, the French mandate confiscated many of the properties of the Turks in Syria, and the dispute has still existed since that date. Syria and Turkey on this issue prompted the Turkish government to prevent Syrians from owning property in Turkey.
However, there are other ways Syrians can own property in Turkey, such as obtaining Turkish nationality and others. Still, the right to own property in Turkey may change in the future due to the increase in the number of Syrians in Turkey.
Armenian nationality
The reason for preventing Armenian nationals from owning property in Turkey is due to the tense relationship between Turkey and Armenia throughout history and the fact that this issue affects Turkish national security.
Cypriot citizenship
The reason for preventing Cypriot citizens from owning property in Turkey is due to the Turkish-Greek dispute over Cyprus. It is divided into two parts, Turkish Northern Cyprus and Greek Cyprus.
North Korean nationality
North Korean citizens are prohibited from owning property in Turkey due to the international sanctions imposed on them, and Turkey complied with them.
Cuban nationality
Similar to North Korean nationality, Cuban nationality is also prohibited from owning property in Turkey due to the sanctions imposed on Cuba.
There are two ways to buy real estate in Turkey; the first is by buying apartments directly from brokerage companies, as the company organizes the installments and determines the payment. The second method is by buying apartments in installments through a bank loan. The bank buys the property and places a mortgage on it until all the installments are paid.
The "OmranTrk" company provides its customers with many special offers for those wishing to settle in "Yalova" through its huge housing projects, admired by all customers who deal with the company, in addition to the best installment opportunities at reasonable prices.