What is the right time to buy real estate in Turkey and Yalova?

All data relating to the real estate sector in "Yalova," northwestern Turkey, indicates that this period is one of the most suitable periods for buying real estate in the city.

It is advised to buy real estate in "Yalova" during the winter due to the investment returns that the investor will reap in other seasons, especially in the summer, when the real estate sector witnessed a remarkable recovery after a period of stagnation during the winter.

And suppose the buyer wants to buy a property in Turkey to obtain Turkish citizenship; in that case, the time is also considered appropriate due to the facilities and opportunities provided by the Turkish government to investors and real estate owners. It became possible to obtain Turkish citizenship in exchange for investment with very easy conditions.

This current period is also considered suitable for buying a property in "Yalova" because of the figures issued by Turkish official sources in the city, including the "Statistics Authority," where real estate sales in Turkey grew by 31 % during the first half of this year, 2022.

The Turkish government pays remarkable attention to the city of "Yalova" by focusing on projects in the tourism, economic and commercial sectors, which makes investing in it an irreplaceable opportunity. All this interest will undoubtedly cast its shadow over the real estate sector in "Yalova" and affect its growth in a good way.

Turkey is on the verge of more economic breakthroughs regarding the most suitable choice of investors in the bought real estate property in turkey and the city of "Yalova," which is advised by many clients who dealt in a manner Private with "OmranTrk" company located in "Yalova. 

All economic transformations in Turkey, which achieve unparalleled results, also indicate that their impact will be noticeable in the real estate sector, which confirms that the real estate market in "Yalova" will continue its recovery over the coming months and years.

In "Yalova," there are many distinguished real estate projects, on top of which are the projects of "OmranTrk" company, including the "Cennet Yalova" project, distinguished by its residential units and its strategic location with a charming view and the testimony of many customers. 

The city of "Yalova" is characterized by increased demand and real estate purchases; the supply rate increases as the movement of buying and selling peaks, especially in the spring. And according to statistics, families with school-age children usually move from one apartment to another at the end of the school year, so buying and selling activity increases with the end of the year, hence spring and just right before summer.

The current time is also the most appropriate time to buy a property due to the high prices of building materials. Turkey's real estate sector will remain the safest sector despite all the challenges, given the real demand for real estate inside and outside Turkey.

The figures confirm that real estate investment rates in "Yalova" are moving steadily towards prosperity in various fields, specifically the real estate sector. With all these positive indicators, we can say that the future of real estate investment in "Yalova" and the rest of the Turkish cities are considered prosperous.

"Yalova" city is distinguished by many families and investors wanting to own real estate on rent, seeking the best opportunity in light of the given facilities and attractions, the diversity of units offered, and different ownership options that suit many different buyers and investors.

The summer season is one of the favorite times to buy and invest in "Yalova" because tourism is very active in the city during this season. In addition, "Yalova" is a destination for tourists from around the world and the rest of Turkey. "Yalova" is close to major touristic cities such as Istanbul, Antalya, and Bursa.

Many advantages make you want to buy a property in "Yalova", most notably the distinctive geographical location and its proximity to the most important city, Istanbul, in addition to the view enjoyed by the city and many residential complexes, including the complexes and projects of the "OmranTrk" company.

OmranTrk is a company that seeks to satisfy its customers by presenting offers and suitable opportunities in the real estate sector at prices that suit all segments and nationalities.

OmranTrk is also seeking to make its mark in the world of economics, as it recently joined the Turkish Association of Independent Businessmen and Industrialists "MÜSİAD."

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