Discover the types of residence permits in Turkey

Everyone who arrives in Turkey as a tourist, or even a visitor, and seeks to obtain a "residency" that allows him to stay on Turkish territory legally and for long periods, varying according to the length of stay granted by the competent Turkish authorities.

Turkey has become a distinctive destination for many, whether from Arab, European or Western countries, either with the intention of temporary residence and tourism, or with the intention of work, or with the intention of studying, or with the intention of buying real estate in its distinctive cities such as Istanbul and "Yalova", or with the intention of medical tourism and other goals and objectives.

In this article, we provide you, through the website of the OmranTRK company, headquartered in Yalova, northwestern Turkey, a detailed explanation of the types of "residencies in Turkey", the mechanism for extracting each residence permit, in addition to the advantages that each residence enjoys.

Tourist residence permit

It is considered one of the most popular and most common types of residence permits in Turkey due to its importance to the tourist or visitor, and it is a short-term residency given for one or two years, and it can be renewed on conditions.

Documents required for obtaining a tourist residence

  • Book an appointment online with the competent immigration department.
  • An apartment rental contract signed by the landlord and tenant and certified by the notary, rented for one year at least.
  • A copy of a valid passport.
  • A copy of the visa or entry stamp.
  • Health insurance (Sigorta).
  • Tax number (it can be obtained from the tax department in the city where the tourist residence permit is issued).
  • 4 identification personal photos.
  • Recently, a copy of the title deed of the owner of the rented apartment is required.

All papers are prepared, especially appointment booking papers, after copying and printing them, placing them in a file, and going on the specified date of the appointment to the competent immigration department and submitting them to the employee, who in turn reviews the application process, and after completing its verification, the applicant is sent to the finance fund for completion. Fees vary from person to person according to the nationality they holds.

When the employee in charge delivers the notice of paying the fees, he, in turn, delivers to the client a “temporary residence document” that allows the client to move legally pending the issuance of his tourist residence, which takes 30 days or less to receive it by official mail PTT after you receive a message to your mobile phone with an appointment Arrival of the tourist residence card.

Tourist residence is one of the basic conditions for obtaining a work permit, and it also allows its owner the right to enter and exit Turkey without the need to obtain a "visa" and without paying a fine, in addition to that obtaining a tourist residence is very important because it is required in many internal transactions.

 Important note: It is necessary to pay attention to the legal period allowed for a person’s presence in Turkey, as it is not possible to apply for a tourist residence if the tourist or visitor exceeds the legal period of 90 days, and when applying for a residence permit for two years, the health insurance must also cover the length of stay, in addition to all that, the nationalities that can come to Turkey without a visa, are required when they submit their application for residence for the first time to "pay a visa allowance".

Student residence permit

Residence is granted to students who come to Turkey to study in Turkish universities, and the conditions for obtaining it are:

  • The student document öğrenci belgesi, which he obtains from the university at which he is registered, which means that the student belongs to it.
  • The original passport and a copy of it, in addition to the visa, if any, and the entry stamp.
  • Health insurance.
  • A copy of the housing contract or a document proving his residence in student housing.
  • Book an appointment with the Immigration Department via the Internet.
  • Receipt of payment of the residence document fee and an allowance for changing the type of visa for some nationalities.

The mechanism for obtaining a student residence permit does not differ from the mechanism for obtaining a tourist residence, but obtaining a student residence permit is considered easier. It should be noted that the student obtains a residence permit for a maximum period of one year, and it is renewed according to the student's study program.

And the “student residence permit” has many advantages that differ from the tourist residence, such as the student obtaining a transportation card, which is the card that allows them to use all the state’s transportation for small fees, in addition to discounts in health insurance, and it also allows exit and entry to Turkey within the specified period of the stay without the need for a visa, also allows its holder to open a bank account in any Turkish bank, and to carry out official transactions and procedures legally.

Work residence permit

The "work residence permit" is granted to foreigners employed in Turkish companies or Arab companies licensed in Turkey, as the company obtains a work permit from the Ministry of Labor for the foreigner to be employed and then applies for the residence permit, after fulfilling a number of conditions, the most important of which are:

  • Existence of a tourist residence permit with a validity period of not less than one month.
  • The company must employ five Turks for every foreign employee, except for the company's owner.
  • The company's capital shall not be less than 100 thousand Turkish liras.
  • The company pays all taxes incurred by the state.
  • The company's commitment to pay all its social insurances.

Documents required to obtain a work permit

  • A copy of a valid passport (at least 6 months).
  • A copy of the tourist residence permit (valid).
  • A personal photo of the applicant, and a copy of the academic certificate, if any, translated into Turkish and certified by the notary.
  • A work contract signed between the employer and the employee.
  • The application form filled with the information of the applicant, and some papers of the company.

After fulfilling all the conditions and preparing the necessary papers, the company’s management requests a work permit for its employee in accordance with the laws followed in this matter, and within a period ranging from approximately 30-45 days from the date of submission the result of the application appears, and the work permit can be tracked in Turkey via the application number from through the website.

Work permit renewal

It is possible to apply for renewal of the “work permit” 60 days before its expiry date, and this opportunity remains available to renew the residence until the date of its expiry, along with securing the following documents:

  • Application form or letter to extend work permit signed by the employer.
  • Application form for foreign employees.
  • A copy of the work contract signed between the two parties.
  • A copy of the Official Gazette of the company's commercial register.
  • Clearance of payable tax obligations.
  • The employee's social security registration number, indicating that there are no financial dues from the employer towards the employee in relation to the security.

It is mentioned that if the father or mother obtains a work permit, all family members (husband/wife/children) are entitled to obtain a residence permit that is for the same period as the work permit of the accompanying person.

Family Residence Permit

In this type of residence permit , and in the case of marrying a Turkish wife/husband, it is possible to apply for it, and the residency period can be one, two or three years, depending on the application submitted.

Family residence permit in Turkey is given to the employee’s family for a maximum of 3 renewable years, and holders of a family residence permit in Turkey have the right to obtain health insurance for free if they are not working, or if they work but do not have health insurance, and they can also apply for citizenship Turkey after 3 years.

Documents required from the Turkish husband or Turkish wife

  • Personal Photos.
  • Registration of citizenship from Civil Registration and Citizenship, the naturalized person has a registration of the name before and after obtaining citizenship, (nüfus kayıt örneği)
  • A copy of the Turkish identity card.
  • General health insurance.
  • A statement of the monthly income, or a statement of the employee's monthly salary.
  • There is no judgment for the Turkish (or naturalized Syrian ) spouse, and it can be extracted through the electronic state portal "e-devlet", or from the Department of Justice.

After securing all the papers, an electronic appointment can be booked through the website of the Turkish Immigration Department, and go to the responsible employee at the appointed time and hand over all the papers so that the transaction for the issuance of family residence can be processed.

Real estate residence

It is a short-term residence (granted for a period of one year, renewable), granted by the Turkish authorities to a foreigner who owns immovable money (residential real estate)  that is used for the purpose of housing, ​as the property owner in Turkey cannot grant his family a "real estate residence" unless they have a legal share In this real estate, but the foreigner can grant his family (one wife and all his children under the age of eighteen) “family residence” not real estate, worth noting that you have to buy worth of 200,000 USD in an open area (unblocked) to obtain the real estate residency.

Documents required to obtain a real estate residence

The "real estate residence" allows its owner to legally enjoy education, medical and living rights in Turkey. Turkish law also authorizes the General Immigration Department in the Turkish states to give those wishing to obtain real estate residence permits from foreigners, a residence permit valid for one or two years at most.

With regard to the issue of renewing the real estate residence permit in Turkey, it is done very easily, compared to other types of residence permits in Turkey, as it is sufficient for the property to be registered in the Tapu Directorate (Title deed directorate) in the name of the property owner in order to renew the residence permit under it.

OmranTRK company, which is interested in the real estate sector in Yalova, confirms that, through its specialized staff, it is ready to provide all services related to the issuance of "real estate residency" to its clients of different nationalities.

It is noteworthy that "OmranTRK" succeeded in entering the real estate market in Turkey from its widest doors, to be able within a very short period of time to draw attention to its projects, which are a golden opportunity for investors in this field, given the offers and facilities offers to its clients at the same time.

The slogan “Successful Investment in the Paradise of the Earth”, raised by OmranTRK Company since its establishment in 2016, was not the only main motivator for customers, but there are more services and advice that the company provides, whether in the field of the sector Real estate in Yalova or other sectors, with the testimony of clients of different nationalities who dealt with it.

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